University of Exeter Press

Cornish Mines

Mineral Statistics of the United Kingdom, 1845-1913

    • 632 Pages

    This is the seventh volume in a continuing series of The Mineral Statistics of the United Kingdom 1845-1913 and completes coverage of the South West of England. Cornwall was the greatest mining district in the country during this period and the number and output of its mines dwarfed those of all other regions.

    This book shows the industry at its peak and through the first years of irreversible decline, recording, in detail, the output, ownership, management and employment of every working mine in the county.

    Drawing on the Mining Record Office’s own official published returns, it is designed to supplement and correct section of H.G. Dines, The Metalliferous Mining Region of South-West England and to provide a basic reference text for all interested in the history and geology of mining in Cornwall. The addition of new locational information in the form of Ordinance Survey Grid References makes this the most comprehensive field guide to the substantial surface and underground remained of the county.



    I The Mineral Statistics

    II Cornish Mineral Production

    III The Mine Tables

    IV Bibliography

    V The County Tables

    Appendix A Cornwall's Principal Mines

    Appendix B List of Mines arranged by Grid Reference

    The Tables of Mine Production, Ownership, Management and Employment.

    Roger Burt is Professor Emeritus of Economic History at the University of Exeter. He has been a consultant to mining companies and government departments and contributes to radio programmes on mining related issues.

    Peter Waite, MA, is Librarian in the Westcountry Studies Library, Exeter.

    Raymond Burnley, BSc (Computing), is the Deputy Manager of the Social Studies Data Processing Unit at the University of Exeter.