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Environment, Senses and Emotions aims to provide a comprehensive exploration of how environmental crises are represented, perceived and understood through the senses and emotions and the human impulse to make sense of the world. Books in this series enhance understandings of environmental crises, engaging with these crises' sensory and emotional dimensions, highlighting this emerging area as important to a number of research disciplines. The series also promotes more-than-human perspectives and analyzes how stories narrated by plants, animals and other more-than-human or multisensory accounts of ecological interactions shape and convey environmental knowledge.
The series welcomes edited collections and monographs written by scholars, practitioners, activists and thinkers who address environmental crises, broadly understood from natural disasters and local problems to global issues, and who explore these crises' sensory and emotional dimensions, including eco-anxiety, eco-guilt, eco-shame and solastalgia, among others. The series welcomes contributions from the Global South and prioritizes decolonial perspectives, examining structures of power and subjugation related to activism, justice and ecological well-being.
Environment, Senses and Emotions:
-provides a timely framework for scholarly contributions that deepen understandings of environmental crises, emphasizing sensory and emotional dimensions of human and more-than-human interactions;
-explores the role of the senses and emotions in shaping and communicating environmental knowledge;
-encourages diverse theoretical approaches to understanding the interrelations among environmental crises, the senses and emotions, and welcomes contributions from scholars in a variety of disciplines, including the environmental humanities, anthropology, sensory studies, media studies, geography, history, the health humanities, sociology and philosophy.
To discuss your book proposal, please contact the series editor:
Tatiana Konrad, University of Vienna:
Or Commissioning Editor Becky Taylor:
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